People have asked me since I changed my major from nursing, “What made you switch majors?”. I always tell them that ever since I discovered how important sex education is to children to hear about, I had to be the one to tell it. The question I want to elaborate on for my second blog post is, should we teach about queer history, and why? I absolutely think we should start teaching queer history in high school, and even in relationship classes. There are many reasons queer history should be included in our curriculum. I don’t believe it’s right that people, as educators, don’t teach minors how to have safe sex and healthy relationships. In Faderman’s book she states, “[Ronald] Reagen himself wouldn’t even utter the words AIDS until his good friend from Hollywood days, Rock Hudson, died of it in 1985”(pg 418). This helps prove that just because we don’t talk about AIDS doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. People still die even if it’s not talked about which is why if we have this conversa...